News & Media

Kick Those Water Stains to the Curb

Water Stains: How They Happen and How to Remove Them Causes: Everyone has seen them before - - those nasty stains around your tub, shower, or sink faucets. These stains are commonly known as water stains. Water stains can occur due to a number of things, including rust, hard water, and bacteria. All three of


Toilet History 101

The History of The Toilet The toilet has a place in almost every home. The thing is that we never really consider how it came to pass that we have a bathroom including a toilet, we just take the appliance for granted. The toilet does have a long and rich history throughout the ages to


Prevention is the Best Plunger

Common Toilet Clogs And Preventions Perhaps one of the greatest household inconveniences is when a toilet becomes clogged. This is one of those projects that it is necessary to fix right away. The toilet is always being used, and therefore ignoring the problem or casting it aside simply cannot be done. There are quite a


Don't Fall For These Plumbing Myths

5 Plumbing Myths Debunked Plumbing is one of the most important parts of your home because it provides water for many home duties like laundry, cleaning, and showers among many others. Plumbing is very efficient in pumping dirty water out and clean water in the system. This is why it is crucial that you increase


Do You Love Your Bathroom Yet?

10 Ways to Beautify Your Bathroom When people renovate their homes, one of the first rooms that is renovated is usually the bathroom. Its no wonder. People use their bathrooms to get ready for the day and to relax at night. It is the most utilized room in a house, right along with the kitchen.